Friday, July 10, 2009

Missed Yesterday

Well, I didn't post anything last night and will not be posting for the weekend. I had a busy night last night that wasn't all that exciting. When I left work, I hit the worst traffic that I have ever hit going back to San Mateo. Two and a half hours to get home! So not fun... Got home, did dishes, took out the trash, sat down for a few minutes and then took my future brother-in-law and his girlfriend to the airport. My fiancee had left for the night and is dogsitting three dogs that apparently aren't getting along very well. For those of you that don't know, one of those dogs used to be my dog, but he just got too big for where I lived at the time and is definitely too big for the apartment that I live in now. If you are my friend on Facebook you can see a picture of him on my profile picture. I should probably get back to work now. Thank you to Bear, my one follower.

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